Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nova 9

Peace, Life, Light, Longevity.
All 4 words are ingredients that combine to describe my contribution to the world wide web thru this blog.

Some may wonder why no new articles on my blog...............well the answer is that the blogs are not put up to be read and then quickly forgotten. Not only do i need time for the info to settle and marinate but i also need time to allow the thoughts ideas and experiences to be assimilated in order for thorough conclusive evidence to be drawn.

I am glad that those of you who do keep up with this blog are ready for new information. I will begin to relay that info soon. Again this sunspot is designed for interactivity so if its only my input, there will be a delay in new posts since i am actively engaged in my work as well as creating new innovations on the cutting edge of healing and consciousness.

There are a few more continents to explore before i can bring the superfood section to a close and work on an interesting formula i have planned. Once that is done and the website arrangements have been prepared, the items will be available for order individually or as a ready to mix superfood powder.

thanks to the few supporters that have left input to inspire me in carrying on with this project. til next time. one love

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009:Welcome thru the 11th gate. Irish Moss: Chondrus crispus

Irish Sea Moss is a 'Famine' food. Just like Acai. why is this? lets look into Polysaccharides.

Top 10 Benefits of Polysaccharides
  1. Inhibit tumor growth
  2. Prevent cancer
  3. Neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
  4. Help normalize blood pressure
  5. Help balance blood sugar
  6. Combat autoimmune disease
  7. Act as an anti-inflammatory
  8. Balance immune function
  9. Lower cholesterol and blood lipids
  10. Increase calcium absorption

Irish Moss seaweed contains potassium chloride, this compound helps to dissolve catharrh, which is responsible for the congestion associated with chesty coughs. Irish Moss also contains several natural anti-microbial and anti-viral agents which not only prevents colds and flu's, but is reported to eradicate a wide range of infections.

Irish Moss is traditionally given as a nourishing food for invalids and is still used to boost the body when recovering from a serious illness, due to its high content of important nutrients (it said to contain 15 of the 18 elements composing the human body).

It has also been used to treat bronchitis, goiter, thyroid problems, and to tone and strengthen the body's glands. People have also used it as a laxative and a home remedy for sore throats and chapped skin.

Other healing properties of Irish Moss include mild anticoagulant effect on the blood; treats chronic lung diseases, dysentery, diarrhea and disorders of kidney and bladder. Experimental results have shown that Irish Moss may also reduce high blood pressure. The large quantity of mucilage also makes it a valuable remedy for the treatment of digestive conditions where a demulcent is required, such as gastritis and in various forms, it is said to relieve peptic and duodenal ulcers in without having any adverse effects on the colon. It is also perported to reduce gastric secretions and has been used in absorbent surgical dressings.

History - "Carraigeen" is gaelic for "moss of the rock. Irish Moss was most famously used by the Irish during the famine of the 19th century. In the past it has been used as a mattress stuffing, as cattle feed, and as a thickener for colored inks used in printing.

According to ancient Irish folklore, it was carried on trips for protection and safety and was used widely in the treatment of tuberculosis and pneumonia.

English: Irish moss, pearl moss, carrageen moss, seamuisin, curly moss, curly gristle moss, Dorset weed, jelly moss, sea moss, white wrack
French: petit goémon, mousse d’Irlande, lichen (carraghèen), goémon frisé, goémon blanc, goémon rouge, mousse perlée
Breton: pioka, liken ruz, teil piko, bouch, bouchounoù, bejin behan, bejin gwenn, bouch farad youd, bouch gad, bouch gwenn, jargod, ougnachou-ru, teles, tilez
Scottish: (Gaelic) cairgin, carragheen, killeen, mathair an diulisg
Irish: carraigín, fiadháin, clúimhín caitcarraigín, fiadháin, clúimhín cait
Welsh: mwsog Iwerddon
Faroese: Karrageentari
Turkish: karragen
Polish: chrząstnica, chrząścica
Portuguese: musgo gordo, folha de alface, folhina, botelho crespo
Italian: muschio irlandese
Galician: ouca riza, carrapucho, creba, pata de galiña
Spanish: musgo de Irlanda, musgo perlado, musgo marino, carrageen, liquen
German: Knorpeltang, Carrageen, Irländischer Perltang, Irländisches Moos, Karragaheen, Perlmoos
Swedish: karragenalg (karragentång)
Norwegian: krusflik, driesflik, gelatintang
Danish: Carrageentang, Blomkålstang, Irlandsk mos
Dutch: Iers mos
Icelandic: Fjörugrös
Japanese: hirakotoji, tochaka, tsunomata