The Primordial Ocean and Land green drink that can cleanse your body while cleaning our world.
More info on the way, herrrrres the ingredients:
Spring Water, Organic Spirulina, Marine Phytoplankton, Irish Moss,Green Gem's-
Chlorella Growth Factor, Fucus, Moringa Leaf, Kombu,Dulse, Sea Lettuce, Rockweed,
Green Shield ( Organic Barley Grass, Organic Lemon Grass, Organic Shave Grass,
Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Dog Grass, Organic Spinach, Organic Peppermint Leaf,
Organic Spearmint Leaf, Organic Lemon Powder, Montmorillonite Clay, Organic Aloe Vera,
Organic Dandelion, Organic Parsley,Organic Wintergreens)
and if you like we can
add+Celtic Sea Salt, Lemon, Ginger and/or Raw Sugarcane juice

Immortals 13 Smoothie and Trail Mix:
This Mix covers Yang, yin, Qi and Blood. enjoy as is or throw into your blender with a banana, raw cane juice, ice and hemp milk.
more info on the way, heres whats in it:
Organic and/or transitional ingredients
Walnuts, Almonds, Jungle Nuts, Cacao Nibs
Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds,Black Sesame Seeds, Shelled Hemp Seeds
Goji Berries, Mulberries, Thompson Raisins, Celtic Sea Salt
+Raw Cane Juice