Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nova 9

Peace, Life, Light, Longevity.
All 4 words are ingredients that combine to describe my contribution to the world wide web thru this blog.

Some may wonder why no new articles on my blog...............well the answer is that the blogs are not put up to be read and then quickly forgotten. Not only do i need time for the info to settle and marinate but i also need time to allow the thoughts ideas and experiences to be assimilated in order for thorough conclusive evidence to be drawn.

I am glad that those of you who do keep up with this blog are ready for new information. I will begin to relay that info soon. Again this sunspot is designed for interactivity so if its only my input, there will be a delay in new posts since i am actively engaged in my work as well as creating new innovations on the cutting edge of healing and consciousness.

There are a few more continents to explore before i can bring the superfood section to a close and work on an interesting formula i have planned. Once that is done and the website arrangements have been prepared, the items will be available for order individually or as a ready to mix superfood powder.

thanks to the few supporters that have left input to inspire me in carrying on with this project. til next time. one love

1 comment:

Purple Lover said...


I like your blog, but since you wanted it to be more interactive and receive the input of others, here's mine. I like your blog, and I like how thorough it is. The philosophy you follow for why you blog, the things you blog about, and the meditative marinading of information is symbolic of who you are. You should definitely keep that foundation, but.....I'd like to see you blog a little bit about more ordinary ingredients you can find at a local supermarket, the benefits of those but also any ideas on how to prepare them.

I like the idea that you blog about ingredients that aren't too popular because that makes your information more valuable. But I'd be able to utilize your knowledge more if you expanded or touched on everyday ingredients. I get my food from a food bank, so I don't have the luxury to get the ingredients you discuss. I definitely love the info, though!

Plus health is more than just nutrition. If you find the time and desire, I'm sure you can offer wisdom about other aspects of health.

By the way, love the purple raves! Can you guess who this is now? LOL! Take care!