Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Chia Seed & Cactus(Nopales/Prickly Pear): Aztec 101

The Purple Gold Green Experiment is ongoing and doing well.

 These new foods will be added at some point, just not now. I'll update this post*** often before continuing on in the Blog. please check back. This is a real-time continual project. My body is the lab so currently i'm fine tuning some external factors since this is not a completely controlled variable study. Seems to me that the more steady intake of the purple gold green formula..the more in sync my thought is with its manifestation in the external world... as well as my lucidity in the rising hours of morning. . hard to say right now so i shall continue on. allocating the attributes accordingly. peace. (pardon the grammar, just transcribin  the thought)

Color Coding----Black and White:

Chiapas. I'll get into the Chia later.


Color Coding-----Green:

Cactus Nopal has a rich history of healing throughout many cultures. Early settlers peeled the stems of the cactus and bound them to wounds as dressing. The spines of the cactus were also used in a curing means similar to acupuncture where the offending part of the body was stuck with spines which were then ignited. The spines that burned most actively were thought to be the most effective. West Coast Indians were said to drink a mash of the pulp from the cactus to facilitate childbirth. Other American Indians were known to drink the pulp as a lung remedy. This cactus has also been used as a cardiac tonic.


You can eat, or even drink, most cacti. Nearly all cacti have large, thick, waxy stems that provide a great reservoir in which food materials and large amounts of water are stored. The flesh of nopal is soft and gel-like and contains many nutrients and minerals that have led to its recognition as prized food in many parts of the world for animals and humans.

For over 12,000 years fresh Nopal cactus has been consumed for its nutritional and healing qualities. Only recently, in the last 20 years, has modern science truly been interested in the investigation of Nopal’s remarkable medicinal plant properties.

Nopal Verde is the prickly pear cactus ‘vegetable’ variety of the Nopal Opuntia ficus-indica species. Known as green Nopal and the traditionally consumed ancient variety, Nopal cactus has recently been recommended in a vast array of metabolic, cardiovascular and digestive disorders. This original and authentic variety of the Nopal prickly pear; requires the climate and soil type that is unique to its birthplace - the high volcanic mountains of Mexico - to provide Nopal’s most important bioactive healing properties.
The ancient Mexican cultures, living in the high mountain volcanic regions, originally adopted the Nopal prickly pear cactus as a healing food and treasured this high mountain variety, relegating Nopal cactus as the supreme healing plant and food among its kings and warriors.

Favors the expulsion of certain types of intestinal parasites,
Increases the secretion and excretion of urine,
Strengthens the lungs,
relieves diabetes,
Increases milk production for mothers who are in lactation,
Allows the maturation of abscess.
Hyperglycemia - High blood sugar
Hyperlipidemia - High LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
Atherosclerosis - cardiovascular inflammation causing blood vessel plaque
Gastric Ulcers / Gastrointestinal Disorders
Liver function, immunity and oxidative stress
Alcohol Consumption and Hangover
Overall Whole Food Nutrition
Nopal was originally a food and has remained such throughout its recent popularity as a medicine. It is traditionally recommended as a whole food medicine, which indeed is the most effective method of treating disease. The Nopal Pricly pear cactus with it's 18 amino acids - 10 that are essential for humans -, has a full complement of B vitamins, minerals and a host of other highly bioactive phytonutrients, Nopal is the quintessential whole food medicine, which can be enjoyed long after your health has been restored.

Color Code-Fluorescent Fuchsia:
Cactus Prickly Pear

People who live in the southwest areas of the United States are familiar with the prickly pear as a needle bearing cactus. Yet most people are unaware that this ancient plant has been used for thousands of years by Mexican Indian cultures for nutritional and health benefits.

The prickly pear, (opuntia ficus-indica) is a fruit and flower bearing plant. It grows best in desert conditions, but has also been known to survive in colder climates that experience frost and snow. Growing in popularity, European countries and American markets now sell commercially grown prickly pear in their produce sections.
What are the nutritional benefits of prickly pear, and does science agree?

This plant is rich in flavanoids, such as kaempferol, puercetin, kaempferol 3-methyl ether, quercetin 3-methyl ether, narcissin, dihykrokaempferol (aromadendrin, 6), dihydroquercetin and eriodictyol. Flavanoids are the powerhouse of prickly pear.

Studies have shown that flavanoids, found in great abundance in the prickly pear, can protect the immune system and prevent oxidative stress by acting as a fighter against free radicals. Cells and organs are protected by this antioxidant action.

Athletes in search of more energy in the gym have turned to prickly pear. The nutritional benefits reduce post-exercise muscle soreness, speed recovery of muscles and reduce the chances of developing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PurpGoldGreen-Recipe and In Depth Study


acai berry juice/pwd  (Violet)
ginger juice                  (Gold)
key lime juice              (Green)
cane grass juice           (Green/Brown)  

Additnl Options: 

Cayenne Pepper and/or
African Bird Pepper   (Red)

Bee Pollen                   (Gold)

Purple Corn Juice      (Violet)

:::It may look very simple, as does a quiet stream. but look again.
:::Don't sleep on the intricacy of detail found in universal creation.

is it a cure all?

The question is inherently flawed. For 'it' to be a cure all.
'it' would be omnipotent or all-powerful.
If 'it' is a cure all, you would find that there is nothing 'it' can't cure.

A fruit, a plant is commonly known to be a created organism.

If 'it' is a creation, 'it' has spawned thru something we can call a creator.
(many ifs signify there is math going on)

If we bypass the law of the pages, and detour directly to the trees what do we find?.
We can read that there is energy flowing from the environs.
This includes soil(a topic in itself), air, sunlight and other energies higher in vibration than our present means of recognized measurement(aside from scientific masterminds and shamans alike).
The tree as an organism in the environment is rooted into the soil interacting with minerals, other nutrients and most importantly water. The leaves and branches extend toward the sky assimulating sunlight, moisture and air in their own unique relationship with the surroundings. The tree is visibly rooted, this can be agreed upon. The tree is somewhat of a conduit, once you can comprehend what is moving through it.

If 'it' is a cure all. The omnipotent force that creates 'it' is flowing thru the soil thru the air thru the sun thru the organism. 'It' is being composed into a individualized organism,a fruit... in this case the manufacturing unit is named a tree. If we now eat the fruit, that has been composed thru the various rays of energy in the surrounding environment meeting the seeds unique signature(as a specific genus of plant and species) while enveloped in fertile soil, allowing 'it' to assist us in returning to a balanced placement of health or raising us to an optimal level of function. We then proclaim of 'its' healing abilities.  

To sum this example up.
'It' cures all because 'It' is all powerful all present all knowing/known.
The ability for an individualized unit(i.e one healing food) to fulfill all imbalancement is rare but yes, it is possible.
In the case you discover your personal cure all, staple it to your daily intake.

What I have learned from the Chinese masters of herbal compounding is that we must look at the individual as a whole. If we bring massive energy to the purple sphere without rooting it somehow with perhaps black brown red or orange, we may see spacey-ness, floaty behavior and ungrounded imbalanced actions. We have created more imbalance albeit with good intentions.
Therefore this formula has been composed with your light bodys wholeness in mind.

I know.. i know you're like light body? what light body?
i wont go into it now, but we will have to define light before delving into the light body.
 so pause.

Recipe Dosages:

Use heavy dosages of purple to activate the crown region. In my minds eye of our light bodies, this intake of violet organic living material will create somewhat of a funnel above the head. Opening you up to intangible cosmic energy.....maybe sparking some innate cognitive abilities.  Its ACAI, it activates you. This ingredient should be the Queen or King of the Drink. The V.I.P.

*Great for the morning.  Acai can be used as a base for granola cereal too. Just add organic apple juice diluted with water or hemp milk, maybe a fig banana or diced longan and goji fruit. long lasting energy and higher mental function. try it you'll see.

::See Rebbe Dr.Gabriel Cousens:Rainbow Diet and Dr Jewel Pookrums Vitamins and Minerals A-Z, both books available on the www::

The radiant color of Gold will anchor the light of the sun into the body and uplift one with the lightness of flower petals. perhaps. is Gold and God spelled..described so similar in spelling for some reason?
We're using Ginger here and or Bee Pollen. Sprinkle in the pollen or use a small 1- 2ounces per cup of ginger juice. The ginger is a great invigorator, once worth its weight in gold along with turmeric. Ginger helps open the pores to release heat(makes you sweat johnny) and it also harmonizes the stomach in the case that these fruits are too cold or foreign for your systems immediate acceptance. Ginger has tons of health benefits, great for achy body pains due to its inflammatory properties(Ginger will get its own post). 
Bee pollen, full of great nutrients and harvested by a wondrous little insect that migrates to and fro the beautiful flowers of or eco-sphere. Plenty of B vitamins are inherent in Bee pollen (now how about that Bzzzzz) which are used daily in our lives; lives complete with the numerous stressors of the modern world, excess consumption of alcohol and just the regular days work. The imbuement of this golden ray of color is symbolic of the sun and it should bring immediate vitality to your system in concert with the other colors/nutrients. The Solar Plexus is a very important region, usually seen as a Gold light center. Gold also represents the EARTH element in chinese medicine theory.

The green will root us sturdily like the green grasses and trees planted deep in the soil...and yes just like sugar cane. 
Cane does not contain the energy of a plant grown deep in the sea.  It contains the energy of tropical vibrations, rising erect toward the blazing sun like an evolved human beings spinal cord. Its joints tell of incremental growth. Its presence in history pre-dates the majority of our planets written history. Its place in nearly everyone on earths life, day in and day out is unmatched by any other substance besides water. yet when we dry the juice...its brown sugar. There lays the soil and grass color coding. Green/Brown
'Sweetheart' is also the color for the thymus gland heart chakra(usually depicted as both  green and pink).
The key lime can be dosed equal with the ginger or less. water is always a great dilute to extend the juice also.
 In Chinese medicine the sweet flavor is associated with the spleen pancreas stomach sphere of activity ,and its channel pathway internally and externally. In the old times of chinese medicine before communism, there was a system of thought known as the 'Earth School' . In the context of TCM theory, the spleen system is responsible for formulating the blood. This blood is then stored by the Liver. 
(The Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach: A Translation of the Pi Wei Lun)

The spleen and stomach are classified as interdependent earth element organ systems. The philosophy of the earth school was one of four major movements in classical chinese medicine.( Its emphasis on the earth being the central hub around which the remaining 4 elements revolve still to this day holds ground in modern TCM. By utlizing the most superior form of sweet nourishment, that being from a grass that grows in a tropical climate, we access the properties that can moisten tissues and skin, cool pent up internal heat and drain excess dampness accumulating in the body by increasing urinary outflow.

we can go further and further, 
The idea is to inform you so that your own experiements have a basis and a foundation point.
Someone told me the other day.....'i have lime and ginger every day, it doesnt do any detox or anything'.
Oddly, this woman above the age of 60 surely was looking very vibrant and young for her age. She is benefitting her body greatly altho her doses of goodness can be multiplied to increase her well being even more.
We got your crown, heart, solar plexus and root covered in this therapeutically colorful formula.

Cheers to you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Octobe Interlude: Sponsored by Pumpkin Pi

Peace Peoples Worldwide Massive.
Be Strong. This season will call for many of us to face circumstances that could not have been prepared for. We are asked to sync with the season and let go of what no longer serves us, and what we no longer serve. Harvest time is great for reformation, dropping old habits and beginning new patterns. In TCM, this season is ruled by the metal element of lungs and large intestines. Refrain from excess smoke that may dry the lungs,colon and trap grief. Intake juicy squashes,melons, peach, pear, walnut and ginger. Deep breathing and early rising should benefit your lungs as well as regular bowel movements. Yes the lungs are mirrored in our skin. Shine thoroughly.

we went through these three distinct colors as an introduction to the Global Feel Good Initiative.   Have you tried them yet?

Purple, a color reserved for royalty, commonly connotes the crown chakra and crown royal for those frequenters of the nightlife. It also signifies the blood flow-substance. Particularly when the blood is thickened and oxygen rich, in contrast to when it is perhaps stagnant and too enriched and viscous.

Amethyst is the earthy purple radiant material, a rock,  that is known to promote sobriety and higher mind. Here is where hue can clue us into transcendent properties of the color spectrum.

Purposefully infusing the purple ray into our Global Feel Good Initiative, we have harnessed the transmutative violet flame acclaimed in popular new age writings as that bequeathed into public knowledge by the one st. germain. look into it if you will.
The transmutative flame of the violet ray is said to be available for our use to eliminate negative karma or generally purify our beings and the various connections we accrue during our daily charade of activities.
 The purple sheen of rich dark african skin also encapsulates this ray of light, as does the black rice of the Far East that actually is more of a dark purple than it is 'black'.
What is black? Is it purple in the absence of a light that can illumine its violet tint?

What else can you relate purple to in the human, plant, mineral and animal kingdoms?

My purpose here is to engage the global members of this streamline consciousness 'blog' to the transcendental subtle qualities of the foods being introduced. This will be an unconventional, unorthodox journey. I ask you all to bring smiles with you and an eager countenance to either prove or disprove what is being presented to your highest conscious faculties.

without further elucidation i'll just tell you like this
 gold is the sun. 
what does that mean?

green is the vitality of a clean heart.
whats a clean heart?

there is so much to discuss in terms of arteries, vessels, ailementary canal, lower gut pro-biotics, good vs bad cholesterol, lung capacity, emulsification of oils, nervous system integrity, joint flexibility ad infinitum-1.  I'll endeavor to keep it short, sweet and simple without sacrificing the pertinent information.

when you see a tree.... when you sip some tea.... when you eat a leaf, or drink a juice. 
take the green in.
 reacquaint with the benevolent one, generous green. 
erase the repulsion from this color demonized by jealousy and envy. 
purge with green. then shine with green.

the sun, learn to consume it collect it become it inhabit it saddle it marvel it and its cyclical command.

find your solar plexus. someplace on your own body 
and you only know your own body as well as you do.  tru?
 no ways around that. 
where is your soul? who's asking? who's answering?
 who's knowing? who's the who?
only you, get to the bottom of it.

the gold is in you, feed it nurture it build on it harness it yield to it accept it receive it. 
the gut, the morale, the i am.

the green surrounds you, its how you breathe liquids and drink sunrays.
it is absorbed from atop and enmeshed within your membraneous tissues.
Magnify this excited microscopic living energy by allowing it entry into your body.
 its our planet.
 green or greed.
 go green.
the liver and blood....the substance and flow.

and purple...the late sunset airbrushed sky off the western seaboard.
 the purple is a rare ray of light to see in the natural world unless you delve into the flower king-queendom.
lavender sprinkled calms the senses eases the spirit tranquil the steadfast.
 the head, the heavens.


its really as simple as that.
How i learned my 123's and abc's

Experiment #1:
Mission is to have Acai, Bee Pollen and a Raw,preferably wildcrafted or organic,green food product(Sugarcane).
every day, one of each item for one 7 day week. Any noticeable realization concerning the nature of these natural food products will be noted before we carry on with the next few food/herbs/products. My mission in this experiment is to activate my crown chakra with the purple ray, open my heart to our Mother Nature with the green ray and to access the birthright of my divine free will through the energies of the gold ray. 

Pretty intangible to some but in actuality with these three colors we are activating physical systems in the body that give rise to the finer sensitivities often referred to in world spiritual literature and 'mystical' teachings. I have set the focus for this blog to explore the mystical and exotic, through the seed-bearing fruits and plants of our planet. With proper supplementation of the foods mentioned here, I intend to provide methods that can halt the more invasive means of resetting balance in the body. Too often we wait until the degeneration process is advanced and multi-layered before we engage in forms of defense or cleansing. As the different foods are introduced, I will provide the topography or a map photo of the region where the particular food is grown and harvested. Along with that a key color will be examined so that we can each internalize what the color is conveying to us..........regardless of what a scientific lab says is an antioxidant, vitamin c..b or etc. This blog is for education, experiementation and innovation. Please contribute to make it better for all who come after you. 
So we begin with nourishing the blood with Acai, a special fruit that has a significant amount of oils found in its composition(see acai post for more on this). To nourish....a rather vague term. We'll explore that at a later time. 
The sugar cane juice is challenging to have every day since its so delicious, one could easily drink their whole supply in one sitting. I'll just keep some frozen so it can be rationed out through the week. With this cane grass we are alkalizing the body and providing a soothing tonic for the kidneys and bladder. Heat is removed, urinary blockages and irritations are eased.  
The bees pollen has been good to me. I'm utilizing it to boost my self resilience to stress and specifically to address my nutritional needs while working hard and drinking alot of water. Bee pollen packs a punch. It's a great reminder that a massive amount does not always mean better for you. We can also respect that it takes alot of work to make such a small amount of food. Bee Pollen is truly to be cherished. 
Anyways since this isnt a fast where i'm only eating these three foods and nothing else, don't expect any wild revelations. just straight plain communication about how these colorful substances, superfoods, feel in my body,mind,soul.
Elections plunge our abounding idealistic thoughts into a deep head first dive cascading toward subterranean waters when nov4 hits. My fortune for the cookie is to float like a pelican, swoop low, spread wings wide for balance and maximum glide

.peace for now 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cane Sugar Grass...Get Green.

Sugarcane is a form of grass that belongs to Poaceae family. It is native to the regions of the Old World, ranging from warm temperate ones to tropical ones. Sugarcanes have a stout, jointed and fibrous stalk, which can measure 2 to 6 meters in height. They are rich in sugar and today, are being grown in over 200 countries of the world. In 2005, Brazil was the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, followed by India. Apart from being the source of sugar, sugarcanes are also consumed in the raw form. The health and nutrition benefits that result from eating sugarcane, in the raw form, have been listed below.

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Sugarcanes

Sugarcane, being low on glycemic index, helps keep the body fit and healthy.

Sugarcane juice has been found to be very beneficial for preventing as well as treating sore throat, cold and flu.

Since sugarcane has no simple sugars, it can be enjoyed by diabetics without any fear.

Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps the body in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.

Since sugarcane is rich in carbohydrates, it can help the body feel invigorated and revitalized quickly.

If you have been exposed to heat and physical activity for too long, drink sugarcane juice. It will help hydrate the body quickly.

Sugarcane is believed to strengthen stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain and sex organs.

Sugarcane juice is an excellent substitute for aerated drinks and cola.

Sugarcane clears the urinary flow and also helps the kidney to perform its functions smoothly.

Sugarcane juice has been found to be good for those who are suffering from febrile disorders.

Sugarcane is beneficial for micturation, caused due to high acidity, genorrhoea, enlarged prostate, cyctitis and nepthritis.

Sugarcane juice is said to speed up the recovery process after jaundice.

Try this brand of Raw Sugar Cane Juice when in the Los Angeles area:
213 250 7588
323 537 6611
Raw Cane SuperJuice

Fresh-Pressed @ these Farmers Markets:

Tue. Manhattan Beach (12 - 4 p)
(13th / Morningside) (90266)

Tue. Culver City (3 - 7 p)
Main / Culver (90232)

Thu. L.A. City Hall (10 a - 2 p)
Spring / 1st (90012)

Thu. S. Pasadena (4 - 7 p)
Meridian / Mission (91030)

Sat. Silverlake (8 a - 1 p)
Sunset / Edgecliff (90026)

Sat. Leimert Park (10 a - 2 p)
43rd / Degnan (90008)

Sun. Atwater Village (10 a - 2 p)
3250 Glendale Bl. (90039)

Sun. Hollywood (8 a - 1 p)
Ivar / Selma (90028)

SugarCaneGrass Photo courtesy of Cairns Unlimited, the ultimate travel website for Cairns, the Great Barrier Reef, and Tropical North Queensland.

Friday, September 19, 2008

BEE POLLEN......Got Gold?

Bees - Legends and Lore
The oldest remains of bee known to exist are preserved in a small bit of amber kept at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The bee inside is believed to be over 80 million years old.Throughout the ages the bee has been revered by man. The Bible, the Talmund, the Torah, the Koran (the code of Islam), along with the scrolls of the Orient, the writings of Ancient Greece and Rome, the legends of the Russian and Slavic people, even the relatively recent Book of Mormon (1830), all praise the industrious and healing foods created by her and found in her beehive. In the Bible alone, the bee's nectar is mentioned 68 times.
Traveling back in time, we find the honeybee was revered, even deified in many religious cultures. The book of the Hindu's, the Rig-Veda, penned in Sanskrit between 2000 and 3000 BC, talks of bees almost with awe. Vishnu, the powerful Preserver and Protecter of the Hindu trinity of gods, is often symbolized as a blue bee on a lotus flower. The east Indian god of love, Kama, wields a bow with a string made of an entwined chain of bees. In cultures worshipping a goddess of fertility, variously named Venus, Diana, Ceres, Cybele, or Iris bees were invariably considered sacred and were minor deities in their own right. Spring fertility rites often used the bee as a symbol for the festivities. No other living creature, other than man, has been held in such high regard by so many diverse cultures.
Key specialist on pollen: "Patrice Percie du Sert"
 --order this freeze dried brand by percie du sert-- 

Components Of Bee Pollen

Pollen itself is the male seed of flowers, required to fertilize the plant. Every single flower in the world puts forth a dusting of pollen, as do many orchard fruits and agricultural crops. Bees are responsible for the pollination of more than 80 percent of the earth's foliage.

Bee pollen is the pollen produced by flowers that honey bees gather and bring back to the hive. These pollen grains are microscopic in size and bees collect millions of these individual grains and connect them with nectar into small pellets. Beekeepers collect the pollen from the bees by placing a collection device at the entrance to the hive. This device gathers between 10% and 50% percent of the pollen that the bees are carrying, leaving sufficient for the hive's needs.

Bee pollen is an alkaline food considered by nutritionists to be one of the most complete foods found in nature and is a rich source of high-quality protein since it contains all the essential amino acids plus quite a few more. Some of the amino acids present include: cystine, lysine, histidine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, glutamine, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. Bee pollen contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, and is extraordinarily rich in most of the B vitamins, including folic acid (folate). Some of the minerals included in bee pollen include: barium, boron, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Bee pollen contains over 5,000 enzymes and the phytonutrients (such as co-enzymes, bioflavonoids, phytosterols, and carotenoids) found in bee pollen also number in the thousands. Bee pollen is 15% natural lecithin.

Some Purported Benefits of Bee Pollen Consumption Include:
* Increases energy and stamina.
* Increase muscle growth and definition.
* Builds immune system.
* Has antioxidant activity.
* Enhances sexuality.
* Smoothes wrinkles.

Suggested Usage for Raw Bee Pollen:
Start by using one Tablespoon (14.2 grams) of Bee Pollen each day for children over 5 and adults. Increase serving if desired. Bee Pollen blends well with smoothies or other drinks, or it may be eaten plain as a snack food by the spoonful.

A small amount of people who initially ingest pollen may occasionally experience minor gastro-intestinal irritation and a laxative effect, due to the richness of the substance. Another potential, yet rare, allergic reaction can involve swelling, heart palpitations, and minor to moderate difficulty in breathing. For those who are new to enjoying this pollen, it is recommended that an initial small dosage (about 1/4 teaspoon) of pollen be taken.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Acai is a Brazilian berry indigenous to the Amazon Region, considered to be one of nature's most complete and healthy foods. The Acai berry is loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, essential omegas, fibers and protein. Some of the health benefits associated with the Acai berry are: increase in sustained energy, help with healthy cholesterol management, improvement of digestive system and strengthening immune system.Oprah's website described Acai as "one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world...", while the book, The Perricone Promise, calls it the "nature's perfect energy fruit." ( and

Açaí, is also known as super berry or power berry (in the Amazon they call it "Viagra da Amazonia") due to the amount of nutrients and fibers that constitute it.

Because of its rich content of anthocyanin pigments that give it the characteristic deep purple color, Açaí likely imparts important health benefits associated with consumption of antioxidant pigments, such as reduced risk or prevention of cancer, diabetes, chronic inflammation, heart and vascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and other types of neurodegeneration, high blood cholesterol, stroke, bacterial infections, urinary tract infections, age-related visual deterioration and premature aging. Acai is constantly used topically as a strong antibacterial in Brazil. 

 (Anthocyaninins are a type of complex flavonoid that produce blue, purple or red colors. Anthocyaninins encourage connective tissue regeneration and are anti-inflammatory. They promote blood flow and reduce cholesterol, in addition to being antioxidants. Anthocyaninins seem to stabilize and protect capillaries from oxidative damage and have been shown to stabilize connective tissue, promote collagen formation, improve microcirculation and help protect blood vessels from oxidative damage.)

*The Acai Berry Boosts Immunity

The Acai berry is grown in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest in some of the richest soil on the planet. As a result, each berry is packed with the most complete naturally occurring assortment of exactly what the body needs to fight disease and increase energy. When the body has what it needs to fight off disease, the human body becomes amazingly resilient to infections both from bacterial agents, as well as viral agents.

*Why are Antioxidants so Important?

To understand the role that antioxidants play, you have to understand what free radicals are. Free radicals are molecules that reportedly damage our cellular membranes and even our DNA. Free radicals come from various pesticides, preservatives, and pollutants in the very air that we breath. If our bodies lack the fuel to fight off these free radicals, then we run the risk of our cells mutating and forming cancerous growths. Antioxidants are created by the body from various substances and are what the body uses to fight off these free radicals and strengthen cells. Antioxidants allows the body to neutralize many of these free radicals reducing the risk of many diseases, including heart disease. The body converts many vitamins and minerals into antioxidants, of these most are contained in the Acai berry.

*The Acai Berry Boosts Resistance to Diseases

Nothing is more essential to living a healthy life, than having a strong immune system. It is extremely important that we give our body nutrients that it needs to fight sickness. Diseases can cause us to age more rapidly and can lead to many more life threatening issues. Research has shown that antioxidants are vital to strengthening the body's ability to resist disease. These antioxidants play a vital role in strengthening our cellular walls and decreasing cholesterol related disease.
*The Acai Berry Increases Energy

While the immune system is perhaps the most important benefit, many people also use Acai to boost their energy levels. The failure of people to eat a diet high in antioxidants leads to drastically decreased energy levels as they grow older. Many people using Acai have reported having increased energy, stamina, and vitality comparable to when they were in their twenties. Don't only imagine the change in lifestyle you will see by simply adding Acai to your diet, experience the difference yourself by adding into your daily regimen.
*The Acai Berry and Cholesterol

The Acai berry can help maintain good (HDL) cholesterol while reducing bad (LDL) cholesterol. This is necessary to reduce the risk of fatty buildups in the arteries which can lead to heart disease. Even the FDA is starting to realize the potential that the essential fatty acids can play in decreasing heart disease. They recently began allowing manufacturers to put the following statement on their Omega-3 containing products: "Supportive but not conclusive research shows that ." In addition to the essential fatty acids, the antioxidants contained in the Acai berry, can help to reduce the risk of heart disease reportedly caused by free radicals in the body.

Acai Roots ™ is a full line of delicious and healthy acai products, formulated to exacting standards by local Brazilians from Rio de Janeiro, who were born and raised on Acai. Acai Roots ™ is simply the best 100% natural Acai available anywhere, made with wildcrafted acai berries. The sustainable harvesting of acai helps protect the Amazon Forest and support local community. ( check the site listed above for recipe ideas and general information on this powerful fruit from the Amazon. Along with deep rich pigment, this berry brings with it the energetic imprints of the Amazon jungle where as we know...millions of species of plants, flowers, insects and animals thrive. The vibration within this fruit is truly something to behold and may be used as a substitute for caffeine when one is trying to limit their coffee/'energy' drink intake. I will soon have Acai available in various forms so do keep in tune with the Sun Spot. Thanks--Dsunn

Boosts energy levels
Improves digestive function
Improves mental clarity/focusPromotes sound sleepProvides vital vitamins
Contains important minerals
Extremely powerful free radical fighter
Acai has high levels of fibers
Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins
Strengthens your immune system
Enhances sexual desire and performanceFights cancerous cells
Slows down the aging process
Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
*Alleviates diabetes
Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levelsHelps maintain healthy heart function
Minimizes inflammation
Improves circulation
Prevents artherosclerosis
Enhances visual acuity

What is the Sun Spot?

The genesis of this blogspot begins right here. 

The goal and purpose of this blog is to introduce foods, herbs and healing tools for the masses of people in need of some pain relief, well being and better life expression.

It is not in my power to heal or shoulder the responsibility of healing for other people.

I do voluntarily accept the role that entails communicating the options available and offering products and/or information that can be of great use to the people.

I am committed to detailing new innovations and seemingly new natural products that can be purchased at my virtual 'Feel Good Center' or my local healing shop called 'The Sun Spot LA'.(under construction)

I invite you all to ask questions, to challenge reports and to request topics or maladies that you wish to be addressed.

As we know there is nothing new under the sun, and I with you, would like to explore what is underneath this sun with a goal of extracting the answers to all of our questions concerning the optimal health of our minds, bodies and yes.....our Souls.  

Peace, love and the light of our Sun. 

May it shine on you, through you and reach all who come into contact with you today and everyday.